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Dec 31, 2016

Star Wars CATALYST A Rogue One Novel - A must read to get emotionally involved in the movie!

This is my review of the "Catalyst a Rogue One Novel": a must read to get emotionally involved in the movie.

This is my review of the Novel that was released a month before Rogue One hits the theaters. I really enjoyed this book and here bellow I'll tell you why ! 

Compared to several Star Wars novel I have read, this is, for my point of view, a novel of a new type: The script is purely centered on the characters personality and feelings and not on the on going actions. 
What I mean is that events are just shortly described and action scenes are very few and short. As a result James Luceno is concentrated on showing us the interactions between the characters and how there feelings and thinkings will evolve during the events.

For me it denotes a real maturity of the Star Wars universe because space battles and blaster fights are not necessary  anymore to get high interest of the fans! 

Like during the Clone Wars animated serie, the main question during the whole novel is : till what point can we go in the name of defending ourself during a wars. Where is the limit between good and bad ? 

The story rotates around 
  • the Erso family : Galen the genius scientist, Lyra is wife (a galaxy explorer) and Jyn (nearly only mentioned because she is very young at the time of the events).
  • Director Krennic and Moff Tarkin who are both climbing the ranks in the Empire hierarchy. 
  • Saw Gerrera: the rebel fighter has a long story crossing the Galen family. 
The goal of the Novel is to prepare to the movie in a way that you deeply understand the dilemma of the position of Galen Erso who is the key scientist needed to complete the Death Star weapon system based on Kyber Cristals. You will discover in the novel how Gallen get involved and slowly get inside the project convinced that it is made for the good of the galaxy. But At one point he steps back. Why that? you will have to discover it by yourself. After that you go nearly directly in the opening scene of the movie. 

Having red the book, makes much easier to understand some less narrated aspects of the movie: especially Galen message and the deep feelings for his daughter. Indeed, I have noticed on the net few critics of the film about the fact that the huge amount of actions scenes let nearly no room for knowing the characters and get in touch with them. The novel is here for that to. Know the back story of Gallen and Jyn I was much more emotionally involved in the fate of both. 

It is very interesting to learn the back story of Krennic. Tarkin is also a key player and James Luceno masters this characters who he dedicated the "Tarkin" Novel. 

Concerning time line of the book, it is spread over the several years: it starts during the clone wars before the Imperial era and finishes few years before the Rogue One events. 
it is a bit complex to understand if it is before or after the Tarkin book events. In the DEL REY TIMELINE reported at the beginning of the Novel, Tarkin comes first but I am pretty convinced events are actually at the same period. 

A very interesting fact that is really new is that the giant mobile battle station (later named Death Star) has been commissioned and started by the republic based on the plans recovered from the capture of the Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser. the motivations was that most probably Dooku was doing the same thing somewhere else in order to crush the Republic. We know of course the truth...

Overall the Catalyst Novel is very nice and entertaining. I invite you to read it and watch (again) Rogue One. You will most probably watch the film with a new perspective.

Dec 27, 2016

Dumb things in Star Wars: The Force Awakens that everyone ignored

Trent Moore @trentlmoore
Fans have waited years to see Star Wars back on the big screen, and they finally got their wish with director J.J. Abrams' The Force Awakens.

Unsurprisingly, it became one of the biggest hits of the past several years, and scored some pretty great reviews to boot. It borrowed heavily from the first Star Wars film, sure, but it sprinkled in enough fresh ideas to balance out the nostalgia perfectly. So the film is pretty great, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few things in there that might make you scratch your head.

From strange plot points left unexplained to quirks created by changes to the script, here are the dumb things we all ignored in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Just look here : Link

Read More: http://www.looper.com/30640/dumb-things-star-wars-force-awakens-everyone-just-ignored/s/image-4486/?utm_campaign=clip

Dec 11, 2016

Star Wars Rebels : Visions and Voices - Confirmed Obiwan Kenobi

Hello fans

I just finished seeing latest Star Wars Rebels episode "Visions and Voices" and we now have answers.... and new questions !

If you remember this article :

Star Wars Rebels : Holocron of Fate : Obi-wan Kenobi enters the show ?

then you will recall the 2 options we made for the comment of Maul. "His is alive !" : Kenobi or Savage Oppress. 

So it is Kenobi it is confirmed. 
(and the article from last week revealed that Obi-wan's name is written in Mandalorian characters on the cave wall). 

What we discovered during this episode is that the visions seen by Maul and Ezra during the merge of the holocrons was not know to both but they did not see the same. So Maul did not yet know the location of Obi-wan: the desert Twin Suns planet.

Maul and Ezra needed a second connection (this times through night sister magic). Now he knows this fact and he also recognised the planet as Tatooine : the planet were it all begin. What begun? The fight between Sith and Jedi after thousand years. 

On the contrary Ezra and Kanan do not yet know the exact name. Let see how and how quick they will figure it out !

Will maul directly rush to the planet ? I do not think so. He probably will have to observe and get prepared. I also guess we will have to wait for the season finally to get the great fight. 

It is interesting to mention that Ezra learned that "the key to destroy the Sith" is Obiwan Kenobi and not Luke Skywalker. It can be true "from a certain point of view" Obi-wan would say. Without him, Luke would not have been preliminary trained and rushed into the rebellion. We also know from comic book "STAR WARS #7" that Obi-wan protected him and saved him at least one time without revealing himself. 

Let see what will come out in the next episodes. On contrary to some fans, I do not think that we will see Luke in Rebels but the confrontation Maul - Kenobi is most probable. 

Now we have to wait for the season 3 , 2nd half trailer !!!!! I will keep you informed. 

By the way, my speculation about the return of Mother Talzin revealed to be WRONG. Sorry for that but it is the game of speculation. Just some night sisters spirits. The goal of Maul is to get revenge of Kenobi and not any more to bring back his mother to life.

Dec 5, 2016

Easter Egg from the Rebels next episode teaser : Dark Side Secrets - Visions and Voices

We see something that looks a temple of Dathomir that his Maul's lair. 
There are really many things there like a picture of Duchess Satin on the wall, the Dark Saber, some battle droids heads, Mandalorians helmets from the Shadow Collective but what I found really cool is the bloody letter writting on the wall:

I translated from Mandalorian Alphabet : KENOBI. With he face of Maul and the finger pointed that looks Awesome!

maul knows that Kenobi leaves and he will hunt him !

Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir - review. The five most evil characters fighting each others !

This is the story of what happened to Darth Maul and his criminal group : Shadow Collective after he was defeated and captured by Darth Sidius himself on Mandalore. For that you can see the Clone Wars Arc ending with the episode called "The Lawless" in which we can see Darth Sidius himself taking a high risk to be unmasked by flying to Mandalore in order to crush his former apprentice. 

In the comic book made of 4 parts we can first see Darth Maul being rescued from prison by 2 death watch mandalorians: Gar Saxon (that just reappeared in the Rebels season3) and Rook Kast.
Darth Maul get back his Dark Saber and re-unite what remains of the Collective with the Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun. 
Again his ultimate goal is to seek vengeance on his old master by bringing back his mother (Talzin) to life. 
I will not describe the story to avoid spoiler but I will describe what I found good and less good. 

It is a very intense comic book full of the Darth Maul ruthlessness and Energy
It is expending the Clone wars Arc that remained unfinished. 
It involves all together the five most evil characters of that time : Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus (=Dooku), Darth Sidius, Grievous and Mother Talzin! At the climax they all fight each others! this is something remarkable to see. 
It features also Mace Windu and Kenobi. 
Again Maul and Talzin are the really endangering the Darth Sidious plan to a point he has to get personally envolved in the fight. This confrims the power of the witch dark magic. 

Maul reaches again the top (he manages to reunite the clans, he captures Dooku and Grievous and gbring Talzin to life) but he his again crushed by his former master. He appears that Maul destiny is to fail at the climax over and over again. 

It is perhaps too intense in battles and there is lower focus on the characters.
We do not learn many new facts of the characters involved. He little of the childhood and how he became sidius apprentice. 
The story could be considered weal because Darth Maul knows who in reality is Dath Sidius so a way to make him weak could have be to reveal Palpatine true identity. Then he could have try to take over...

I strongly recommend this comic serie because it is overall great fun and we really enjoy to see again our big villains in action.

May the Force be With You

Dec 4, 2016

Tie Defender enters the Cannon in Star wars Rebels.

Latest episode of Starwars Rebels "an Inside man" gave us a nice surprise: The entrance of the Tie Defender in the Cannon ! Till now it was only used in video games (Tie-Fighter, Commander and Battlefront) 
As you can see on the picture bellow Hera and the crew just discovered the plan of the Empire to produce the new Tie that is equipped with Shields. (and Hyperdrive !). This Tie will be a great threat for the rebels. We learn also that it is a wish from Grand Admiral Thrawn and it makes sense because it is clear that his war tactics are requiring equipment less "expandable" (like tie and his pilot) and more accurate in order to defeat rebels starfighters. 

That is really great that the Star Wars Rebels shows focuses a lot on introducing new space ships in a way that we can see both Rebels and Imperials develop their fleet. 

For the rebels we have been step by step introduced with A-wings, B-wings (proto), Y-wings but not yet with X-wings. X wings development could actually be pushed by the existence of these high performances Ties like the Defender.

For the imperials we saw first standard Tie fighter and Bombers, recently the Interceptors showed up at the academy and now we got first look on the Defender project. 

That brings an additional dimension to the serie to build the "tech" bridge to the Episode 4.