Hello everybody. For the Starwars Celebration London starting tomorrow, M. Dave Felloni just made us a small present with a clip of one episode (the first ?) of Rebels Season 3 ! It has been released inside the Starwars Show 10.
Here is the Clip :
Now here are some of my observations :
1. Ezra has grown up fast !
As you can see He is now much taller, He has a new suite and most of all he has a new very "military" haircut.
Along the whole clip we can see him very very focused and efficient. Indeed it clearly shows that he has taken full responsibility of taking on the role of Kanan that is now blind.
He is really acting like the wounded Jedi: the way he gives directions and order, the way he stands, he runs... ...
The other 2 characters Zeb and Sabin are looking equal to previous Season from this clip.
2. Ezra has acquired strong skills !

And of course, he has got a new saber. On this picture you can see a bit of the grip and this red activation button. The blade is green. Why not blue like his fantastic eyes ? I am very interesting in knowing if he made it out of a new Kyber Crystal ? when ? How ? Hopefully we will get some infos on that !
The Fighting skills are impressive ! Most impressive. He uses the force to jump and force push. He uses the blade and the blaster nearly same time! This is very precise and the fighting way is leaving NO hope to the opponents (... Stormtroopers still not able to shut 5 guys in a corridor....). It recalls the simple but efficient fighting skills of Kanan but there is more....
... and this brings me to the last point....
3. What about the dark side ?
We know that Ezra opened the Holocron. What did he learn ?
The bellow picture shows the determination in his eyes. Some might say that it is preparation for fight: focusing, concentration. I say that we can see hate and need of revenge.
The fight is also very rude and leave NO chance and NO mercy.
So , as a conclusion, we can see on the one hand Ezra really taking on responsibility to lead the group as a Jedi in place of Kanan. He seems very self confident. But on the other hand, revenge is still fighting inside him and we still see that falling to the dark side can still be a big risk!
This is gone a be a great Season ! Can't wait to see the official Trailer.
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