Hello guys
One of the very nice aspect of the galaxy of star wars is the vast variety of the species as well as there level of development towards technology.
Off course the fact that some species developed the ability to travel at light speed all around the galaxy as spread the technology everywhere but still some worlds are hosting very primitive species with a hugh gap respect to extremely advanced populations
One of the probably most known primitives in the star wars world are of course the Ewoks from planet Endor for example :
Primitive species :
Ewoks of Endor
Episode VI |
Episode VI |
Lurmen of Maridun
Clone Wars S01 E12/13 |
Allena of Allen
Clone Wars S04 E05
Tuksen of Tatooine
Episode II, IV |
Super advanced species :
Of course
Humans of Coruscant that seems to be the birth planet of the Human species
... even if Coruscant represents a very dark view of a hyper developed society. Nearly the whole planet is covered with city (that means the planet has been destroyed) and the cities is made of some many layers that the lower levels seems to be home of the worst part of the galaxy, criminals, poverty, corruptions ... ... ...
Humans of Mandalore (originally coming from Corsucant). homeland of Jango Fett, Duchess Satine...
Humans of Christophsis
Humans of Corellia ==> starship builders (invented hte hyperdrive 25.000 BBY) Homeland of Han Solo. Planet of production of the Millenium Falcon
Kaminoans of Kamino : cloning experts
Mon Calamari of Mon Calamari : Homeland of admiral Ackbar, creators of the B-wings and several other starships.
.... and I could continue for ever... (give more examples of both side in your comments)
Again I find this so magical to see such gaps. It allows the story to mix characters with middle-age behaviors to futuristics ones and open endless opportunities for stories.